Friday, December 19, 2008

Here is to whom it may concern

This is him doing his victory dance.. because he is better than aunt carrie berry lol
We went bowling before carrie left. This is brody clapping because he rolled the ball .. so cute

So I havent really been keeping up on this blog as much as i would like too. So I figured i would get some pics off my phone and post them just so i have something else on here. Tomarrow i am going to try to take some photos of Brody for Christmas cards. I know i have less than a week until Christmas is here but im going to try to send some anyways. Today Brody and I went to a friends house and made grahm cracker house. He enjoyed all the candys and thought it was weird that we were playin in it. I will post pics of that house too i dont have them on this commputer though and im in my bed so im not going downstairs. anyways here are some pics

Monday, December 15, 2008

Carrie came to Alaska

After Carrie got crabs we had to take her to the crab potts to catch them.. lol
Carries Crab friend

Carrie shovelin the snow so the dog didnt walk over the fence

carrie liked this shot so she took it from our driveway. This is a typical winter day here in november

the best family picture we could get

Carrie and I taking a picture together. we had alot of fun even though I was down for the most part. I love my baby sister

Friday, December 5, 2008


the only one we could get of all three of us together on halloween night

this was me for halloween lol i dont know what it was but I think it was scarey

lol aaaaaaaaaaahhhh this picture is blurry!! these are the only ones I got of us out trick or treating. Chad was in control of the camera and I THOUGHT he was getting more pictures as I was the one walking up to all the doors with Brody. Anyways I know these halloween pictures are late but i thought i would put a couple up