Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Day Wheelin

yummy banana

this picture is Brody ALMOST smiling. he was eating dehydrated bananas and loved them.
So we went out on a friends Argo (6 wheeler that can go in water) anyways it had no shocks so I didnt dare to take the camera out while we were headed down the EXTREMELY bumpy trail. so there arent any pictures of that. sorry. we did have fun though. Brody slept alot of the time. he rode on the 4wheeler with his daddy a good ways too. when chad came to a stop and turned off the engine. Brody tried to push the thumb throttle and kept saying BRUUMM BRUUMM he wanted to just keep going. Brody was bundled in blankets and coats he enjoyed the bumps while I am living on tylenol and hot baths. I am very soar!!! but I still had fun

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